7 Figure Seller Summit 7FSS

Bonus offer exclusively for 7FSS All Access Pass holders:


Brand Protection / Hijacker Analysis

We will examine your brand and provide you with a customized brand protection plan.

Monitoring ASINs

Listing hijacking is a phenomenon that every seller should be aware of and actively seeking to prevent. Sellers unauthorized to sell a brand’s product but pop up on those listings and attempt to sell them anyway are called “hijackers”. Monitoring ASINs frequently will help alert sellers to deal with hijackers more quickly and efficiently. Hijackers may be selling counterfeit products, infringing products, or inauthentic products.


Pre-launch registration of our brand protection school:
Amazon Training Center.

brand protection on Amazon


Receive a free copy of either of our published books:

Copyright Law for Sellers or
Copyright Law for Brand Managers

During the webinar, an Amazon Sellers’ Lawyer team member will be sending out books to pass holders who request a copy in real time…. as they are watching.

Avoid problems before they arise by protecting your brand from the start. It is important for sellers to know how to properly file a copyright and to understand under what conditions a copyright protects.

Rosenbaum Famularo & Segall, P.C., law firm behind AmazonSellersLawyer.com and BrandProtectionAmazon.com

The Greatest Team in the world for INSIDE INFORMATION about selling on Amazon.com

The best in helping sellers get reinstated and protecting sellers’ brands on Amazon.com

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